
Right now in life, I am:

MAKING progress already on my goals for 2015. I made 10 new repeatable patterns in January! (along with a lot of other sketches, ideas, etc…)
COOKING Grits and Grillades (a traditional Creole food, pronounced gree-yahds). I think I’ve developed a new found love for creamy cheese grits. We also made a few beef roasts and then made beef stroganoff, beef stew, roast beef po-boys, and debris fries from the leftovers.
DRINKING water and orange juice.
READING  lots of things. I got a huge stack of new books for Christmas that I’ve wanted to start reading so bad! But I made myself promise to finish up several of the books that I’d half finished before I started any new ones. So this month I finished  Almost Amish: One Woman’s Quest for a Slower, Simpler, More Sustainable Life, The Happiness Project: Or, Why I Spent a Year Trying to Sing in the Morning, Clean My Closets, Fight Right, Read Aristotle, and Generally Have More Fun and Designing Patterns: For Decoration, Fashion, and Graphics. I did however start reading Simple Abundance (see here) again on January 1. Let’s see if I can stick to it this year!
WANTING to make 2015 a more productive year with my planner sheets. LOVE them already!
PLAYING Taylor Swift’s 1989 album in the car and her Pandora station and Ed Sheeran’s Pandora station while I work.
SEWING nothing, again. However, I did seam rip and wash these gold cloth napkins from West Elm in preparation for a project I want to sew. I just have to gather a few more supplies!
CROCHETING nothing! I crocheted so much in December that I took a little break this month. I need to get back at it though as I currently have a scarf and an afghan unfinished. 
WISHING for great vacations in 2015! We have several exciting trips planned and I can’t wait!


ENJOYING the warm-for-January weather we have been having lately. I hope it sticks around for Mardi Gras.
WAITING to receive my replacement glass for my beloved BKR bottle. I was on my way to check out Courtyard Brewery’s Grand Opening last weekend when I dropped it and it broke. 🙁
LIKING getting to know more about Surface Pattern Design and Fabric Design through these books.
WONDERING why it took so long for me to post an updated House Tour (2 years!).
LOVING these gorgeous fabrics that I bought from my favorite fabric shop back home in December (photo above). They are just so inspiring to me! I can’t wait to make a quilt with them this year!
HOPING that this post might have struck a chord with someone else the way it did with me. 
MARVELING at how much more New Orleans feels like home now that we are established in our church group.
NEEDING to relax a bit. I feel like I’ve been so supercharged at goal-getting this month that I’m left exhausted.
SMELLING the scent of hot glue as I helped decorate Muses shoes!


WEARING my favorite leather boots, of course, but they are looking much better since I just spruced them up with some leather conditioner.
FOLLOWING my favorite TV shows again now that they are back on after Christmas break! I know it is cheesy, but I’m so excited for this season of Hart of Dixie. Also watching: Castle, State of Affairs, Scandal, and Madam Secretary.
NOTICING the peace and stillness and community and friendship at the women’s retreat I attended this month.
KNOWING that “the grass is greener where you water it” in regards to working on your goals.
THINKING a lot about minimalism. This and this. And in relation to home design, this and this. Brings me back to my absolute favorite quote about the home by William Morris, “Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful.” A great resource for becoming minimalist.
BOOKMARKING this blog. How amazing is the treehouse they live in? Or the house in France they did live in!? Amazing! Check this out!
CELEBRATING my new blog design and its new features! This design has been a long-time coming and I’m so happy that it is a better representation of me!
OPENING my new light pad and using it to create some neat illustrations that eventually became a pattern (you can see part of it in the photo above). Notice the cat face and tail underneath the screen. 🙂
LAUGHING at this outtake picture from our Christmas Card pics. Love it. 
FEELING excited for Mardi Gras! The last day of January marked the first real parade of Mardi Gras, Krewe du Vieux, which I watched with Drew and my little sister, Kelsey, who came into town for the weekend!


Click to check out June, July, AugustSeptemberOctoberNovember, and December of 2014.


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