
When I first started this blog, I posted lots of small posts with random tidbits of life happenings. Over time, as I’ve changed and learned more about blogging, I feel like I post more of those random tidbits on other forms of social media, like Instagram. So where does that leave my blog? It’s something I’ve been questioning more and more lately. I love the record of the parts of my life that are recorded here, but with working full-time, running a business with my husband, starting my art career, and all the other normal life stuff, I feel like my time is pushed so thin and blogging has certainly taken a backseat for me more often than not. It is something I wish I made the time to work on more regularly, but for now, I’m still figuring out what that looks like. I have come across many life-right-now list posts on other blogs (see here, here, here, here, here, and here) and was inspired to perhaps start doing something similar.

Right now in life, I am:

MAKING notes about ideas for house projects I would like to work on this summer. 
COOKING simple, fresh, and homemade meals. Fresh salads with walnuts, grated Parmesan, and homemade lemon/oil/honey dressing, homemade pasta with butter/garlic/shallots/parsley and fresh tomatoes, homemade gf strawberry shortcrust, sweet tea, homemade ice cream.
DRINKING lots of water, as always. Also a touch of homemade sweet tea every once and a while.
READING Almost Amish: One Woman’s Quest for a Slower, Simpler, More Sustainable Life
WANTING to take a trip to the beach. 
LOOKING forward to the weekend. Ready to get my house cleaned and put back together after having family in town all last week. My studio could also use a little organizing after the last two months preparing for my RAW art show
PLAYING lots of soothing music lately, and a lot of Kacey Musgraves. And this song
WASTING time? energy? Aren’t we all?
SEWING nothing, currently. I did sew a button back on Drew’s pants the other day. I was in the middle of a few crochet projects before I started preparing for my recent art show. I also have plans to make new curtains for my living room windows in the near future. Just as soon as I find the right fabric.
WISHING for a great trip to Nashville next week. I desperately need a mini-vacation!
ENJOYING a quiet morning. 
WAITING on the work day to end and the weekend to begin.
LIKING monogrammed leather clutches. Now to find the perfect one at a reasonable price…
WONDERING where Drew and I will be living in 5 years.
LOVING looking back at photos from the Frenchman Art Market and other escapades with my sisters last weekend. (photo above)
HOPING to come up with a good balance of work, home, and time to work on creative projects & paint– I’m hoping to stay as creatively productive as I have been lately preparing for my recent art show.  
at a painting of my Papaw a wonderful family friend painted in memory of him as a gift to my family. 
a little time to relax and recover from the craziness that has been life lately. 
not much? My hair smells good? I wish the Sweet Olive trees were in their smell-good season right now. 
teal pants, black and white thin-striped shirt, floral scarf I bought on our honeymoon, white cardigan, quatrefoil necklace, gold watch, gold and leather sandals. 
lots of blogs and Instagram accounts. My feed used to be mostly filled with DIY/home decorating bloggers, but it is quickly filling up with many more artists that inspire me. 
lots of color combinations in the world around me I can turn into paintings.
that this season of my life will only last so long, so I should soak up every minute of hubby time I can get before we have kiddos running in circles around us while we are trying to work or make dinner. 
about where I want to be in my art & design career in the future and what to do to take it there.  
lots of art inspiration, books to read, and ideas for our home
this print from Parima studio (as soon as it arrives). Both the elephant and the black and white pattern remind me of my grandmother, Evelyn
at how incredibly sad this cat meme makes me every time I read it. 
so grateful for where my life is right now. This year so far has been pretty tough for a lot of reasons, but I also have so many reasons to be thankful. I’m still so happy to be done with college (I graduated over a year ago and still constantly stop to think how amazing it is to not have to stay up all night doing homework on a regular basis), I have a great job, wonderful co-workers, a lot of awesome opportunities that have come up lately for my artwork and otherwise, I have a wonderful husband that I love getting to spend my life with, and we are making amazing progress on our debt pay off plan! I am enjoying where I am right now and also have so many wonderful things to look forward to!


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