Yesterday marked the 1 year anniversary of my first blog post here on Icing on the Cake Blog. It was this post, if you are curious to read it.

It seems crazy that a year has already gone by, but then again, it feels like I’ve been blogging forever! I love it! It is such a great digital journal/scrapbook to document life, photos, recipes, projects, and thoughts and feelings on things at certain times in life. Plus it is great that it is so easy to share those things with other people as well.

I started this blog for several reasons. Because I wanted to stay better connected with my family that is so far away from me in New Orleans, because I love to write and document life happenings, and mostly because I wanted to use it as a way to focus on my life outside of my schoolwork. Before I started this blog, I felt that my whole life was consumed by school and I never had time for anything else. I wanted this blog to be a way for me to give a little more to my life and interests and not feel like I was being taken over only by homework.

It has most definitely fulfilled its purpose and become a love of mine all on its own. It has made me think more deeply about little things happening in my life, it has forced me to take more pictures of random things and moments, and it has helped me to focus more on my interests–cooking, decorating, sewing, crafting, design, etc… It has shown me as I’ve changed throughout the past year–from cooking and crafting in Drew’s tiny studio apartment, to cooking/crafting/sewing/decorating in our new and much bigger apartment now. I’ve gotten engaged and started my way through the process of planning my wedding, gotten another year of challenging classes under my belt, and Drew and I have opened our own business since I started this blog. I’ve had good memories and stressful ones, and overall I have changed so much during the last year. It is so great to have this thing that allows me to easily look back over all those moments and memories. I’m looking forward to what the next year holds and all the great things that I’ll be able to look back on next year.

I’ve changed my website address this year from lovecakedesigns to icingonthecakeblog and I’ve also changed and updated its look numerous times. (I really like it a lot now though!) It has come a long way:

In the past year, I’ve had 181 blog posts (average of 3 1/2 posts per week), 243 comments and 434 tags. I’ve also had 6, 813 visits from 80 different countries/territories. A big thank you to all of you that visit and read my blog! 🙂


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