One of the DIY projects that I worked on before the wedding was making wedding activity books for the kids. Drew has 14 nieces and nephews and I have 3. We also have several family friends with small children, so we knew we wanted to have something to entertain the 20+ kids that would be running around the wedding venue.

I had seen several ideas online for wedding coloring/activity books, but all of them seemed short, (just a couple pages), so I combined together ones that I liked and added our own stuff in as well.

Sorry that the pages of these are so wrinkly in these shots. I didn’t take any good pictures of them before the wedding, so these pictures are of two we had leftover after the wedding!

The back said “made with love.” I loved adding the little touches to coordinate with our wedding invitations!

I didn’t take pictures of all the inside pages, but here are a few:

The inside pages included a page with a pretty frame that asked the kiddos to draw a picture of what their wedding day would look like, a crossword puzzle with wedding words, a blank tiered cake for them to decorate, a couple games of tic-tac-toe, a blank page for them to color on or draw a picture of the bride and groom, a bouquet for them to color in, a maze for them to match the bride and groom up with a wedding ring, and the last page included a picture for them to color in of the bride and groom driving away to their honeymoon!

I think they turned out really cute! I just printed them all out on my home printer, used brown kraft paper for the covers (that I ordered from here), and then poked two holes through the spines and all the pages and tied them together in little bows with the same brown hemp jewelry twine (from Wal-Mart) that I used on our wedding invitations.

I wish I had gotten some pictures of the kids coloring in them! Maybe the photographer did though, we are still waiting on our pictures back from her, then I’ll share those with you.

We placed these on the same table as all the guest sign-in stuff and I had a couple of Drew’s nieces there to hand them out to the kids as they came in, that way the really little kids could color during the ceremony as well as during the reception. We also gave them little packets of crayons too. (I don’t think I got any pictures of those, but we just bought a couple huge boxes of crayons and little clear zip bags from Hobby Lobby and fit 8 crayons perfectly in each little bag.)

In addition to the coloring books, we also had a few tables at the reception set aside specifically for the kiddos. Instead of having flowers and candles on their tables for centerpieces, the centerpieces were jars of colored pencils and we had blank paper sitting around for them to color on. My original plan was to get large sheets of white paper and have paper tablecloths on their tables to color on, but I never got around to buying that!

These jars were perfect for holding the colored pencils! They are leftover glass frappuccino jars.

I’m sure there are lots of other ideas and activities for incorporating kids into your wedding plans, but that is what we did! My dad is an ordained minister, so I went to lots of weddings as a kid and I always had fun running around, meeting other kids, and dancing, but something like this would have been so much fun back then!

  1. Do you still have a folder/file with all of the pages that you have used? I am looking to do a similar idea with an activity book for our wedding, but have only found shorter books available online. If you would be willing to share your’s, I would greatly appreciate it!

    1. I wish I did! I’m sorry that I don’t! I’ve switched computers since then and got rid of a lot of the files I no longer needed! Best of luck finding one that works for you!


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