What have I been up to lately? You guessed it. Trying to get all our stuff ready to move into the new house. I can’t believe it is actually getting down to being able to move for real! It feels like it has been FOREVER since we signed the lease! It has just been a little over a month, but it feels like a long time. Anyway, my mom and uncle will be in town tomorrow to help us get to moving, so we’ve got to get all this stuff in boxes. So far, we have most of it all pretty much ready:

My stuff has already been packed for a week or two now since I had to move out of my dorm room. This is the corner with all my stuff in it. (and a few of Drew’s things)

This is Drew’s corner half of the room. His stuff is still not all packed and he already has like three times as many boxes as I do! I swear the first like 5 boxes he packed were almost all full of electronic/computer parts/equipment, etc…

Oh goodness. The house is such a mess! All this packing madness also has me doing outrageous stunts like this one:

Drew, of course, pushed all his boxes of stuff to the back of this little storage area above the bathroom and couldn’t pull them out with the end of the broom handle. So guess what happened next? Yes, thats right. I was unwillingly hoisted up to the top of the 11+ ft. tall ceilings and into the dirty and crowded little storage area. All while wearing Drew’s clothes (that obviously didn’t fit) over mine because I didn’t have any old clothes that weren’t already packed in boxes and I had just done all my laundry when we were home. I wish I had a picture of me standing on Drew’s shoulders, with him standing in the chair to even be high enough to be able to climb in there. It is a lot higher up than it looks. And was even moreĀ treacherous trying to get down from there. Luckily, no one was harmed in the sake of packing. (yet, at least)

Mom and Chris, you better be prepared for this weekend. šŸ˜‰

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