Okay, so I know I keep going on and on about the “icing on the cake” and I don’t want to overuse the saying, but I was thinking the other day about my favorite things in life. So I started writing down the first things that came to my head. I typed them all up and was going to post them the other day, but then I got busy working on other stuff and didn’t have time. I went back to them today and was reading through all the things I wrote, and I don’t know if it is just because I’ve been studying poetry in my creative writing class, but all the words seemed to all connect somehow. I went back through them and linked them all together and I thought it was pretty cool how they all flowed into one big thought. As I was paying attention to the things I wrote, it struck me how lucky I was to have had everything in my life happen in the way it has. Everything that God has given me has meant so much in my life. My family, my hometown, my backyard, my childhood, the traveling I’ve done, the places I’ve been, all the memories I’ve made. They all connect to form the person that I am today, and I thank God for every experience that I’ve been through. As Thanksgiving approaches, I would remind everyone to think about your own lives and all the things that God has given you and everything you are thankful for. It wouldn’t even be a bad idea to write them down.

I know my list isn’t complete, because it will change as I change and grow as I grow, but for right now, here it is:

Icing on the Cake. The best things in life. Writing my own life story, everyday. Writing. Creative non-fiction. Fiction. Poetry. Thoughts. Ramblings. Notes. Lists. Books. Looking at books. The covers of books. Having books on my bookshelf. Flipping through the pages of a book. Picture books. Books where you create your own pictures. Reading books. The pleasure of seeing a book you’ve read and knowing all the secrets it holds inside. Literature. Magazines. Especially home decorating magazines. Decorating. Decorations. Living in a pretty space. Planning the layout of my future house. Planning things. Soft, fluffy pillows. Matelasses. Quilts. Curvy lamps. Curtains. The things that make a house a home. Cute. Cozy. Clean. Organizing. Cleaning. The refreshed and renewed feeling you feel after everything is clean and straightened and organized. Things are tidy and swept and all the laundry is done. It is as if you are cleaning yourself out along with your house. Home. The Art of Homemaking. Fabric. Sewing. Embroidering. Making things. Creating things. Craft rooms. Ribbons. Buttons. Glass. Glass bottles. Paperweights. Ornate frames. Whimsical. Colorful. Color. Art. Paint. Painting. Art Supplies. Designing things. Graphic Design. Drawing. Doodling. Pictures. Looking at pictures. Taking pictures. Capturing memories. Memories. Remembering. People in my past. People in my future. Life. Living. Not being scared to fall in love or take a chance. Happiness. Weddings. Dresses. Dress up. Swirling around when you have a big, fluffy skirt on. Elegance. Classy things. Little black dresses. Pearls. Diamonds. Crystal doorknobs. Chandeliers. Lace. Simplicity. Home. My hometown. The view of the world from right beside my house. Rolling hills. Womble Mountain. Wallace Family Homestead. My backyard. The creek in my backyard. Water. Water under my bare feet. Moss under my bare feet. Being barefoot. Being barefoot outside. Being outside. Trees. The smell of Sweet Olive Trees. Flowers. Growing flowers. Growing vegetables. Gardening. Farms. Barns. Little bridges over tiny creeks. Dirt paths through the woods. Making forts in the woods.  Being outside. Being in the country. Living in the country. Driving on country roads. Driving towards The Round Candy Store with my windows down listening to country music, thanking God for all the wonderful things he created. Beauty. Real Beauty. God. My family. Siblings. Sisters. Hanging out in the kitchen with my family. Cooking. Baking. Cookbooks. Kitchens. Everything-but-the-kitchen-sink cookies. Hot chocolate. Sorbet. Italian ice. Lemonade. Fruit tart. Vegetables. Soup. Potato Soup. Mashed potatoes. Home-style country cooking. Picnics. New Orleans. Old buildings. Bricks. Antiques. History. The world. Traveling. The Ocean. Lighthouses. Running along the beach. Dancing in the rain. Sunshine. Sunrises. Sunsets. Colors of the sky. Nighttime. Flashlight tag. Stargazing. Living where you can actually see the stars. Spring. Summer. Fall. Winter. Leaves falling. Sledding. Boating. Fishing. Porches. Hammocks. Relaxing. Peace. Hugs. Cuddly Hugs. Hugs from my nieces. Seeing the world through the eyes of a child, where everything is good and nothing is bad.

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