Of all the rooms in the house that have gotten updates lately, the laundry room definitely tops the list. A lot has been going on in there.

To refresh your memory, here is what it looked like when we moved in:

We immediately had the dryer plug (that is laying across the washer) fixed with a longer cord to go around the washer to avoid any electrical + water issues. We also majorly scrubbed the tile floor because they were ridiculously filthy. We also moved our deep freezer in here so that now it sits in front of the dryer.

I know it definitely isn’t the prettiest room in the house and it probably never will be. It is the room that we spend the least amount of time in, so I didn’t want us to spend a ton of money fixing it up right now. What does matter though, is that it is functional. It needs to house the laundry stuff, the utility stuff, the cleaning supplies, the tools, the extra toilet paper, paper towels and light bulbs… etc. We also needed to hang the blinds in there (you can see the box of them in the foreground of the above picture) that the previous owner left but never hung. I also already had teal colored curtains from my freshman college dorm room days that matched the laundry room tiles perfectly to hang in there. We also wanted to make the shelving on the wall a little more practical than it currently was.

So what did we do?

We started by hanging the blinds and the curtains. (which still need to be ironed, I know)

Then we sought a replacement for this tremendously ugly, dysfunctional and crooked shelf. (That is lacking in the storage department)

But first we had to take the old one down. Which left us with this ugly mess.

However, we quickly made the most of our storage space with three longer and cleaner looking shelves with slightly smaller brackets than the ones used on the previous wonky shelf.

Then I did my best to cover up the old paint marks with some mixed white and cream craft paint.

Oh how amazingly convenient is this quick change. Now there is plenty of room for laundry supplies, cleaning supplies, ironing equipment, tools, toilet paper, paper towels, light bulbs… Ahh, how I love having things organized.

But our laundry room changes don’t stop there. We took this makeover a step farther.

We added a new washer and dryer. Well, new to us at least.

This wasn’t high on our priority list, but it kind-of just happened. There is a girl from our hometown that has lived in New Orleans for several years and is getting ready to move to Texas. Her new apartment already had a washer and dryer, so she had no need for her old ones. Her mom is friends with mine, so her mom asked mine if we might want to buy her used ones from her. We already had a washer and dryer that we bought for really cheap from the previous owner of our apartment and the washer was newer and worked fine, but we were a little worried about the really old dryer. We had some problems with it not working when we first moved in, but Drew eventually got it to work. However, we thought we had better not pass up a good deal on these two almost brand new, matching, taken well care-of appliances. (especially since we thought our dryer might not hold up too much longer and we wouldn’t have an opportunity like this later)

Doesn’t it look so much neater, cleaner, better and more organized?

We do still need to find a nice rug to go in front of the washer and dryer though. You can see in the foreground of the last picture that there is a random metal thing that sticks slightly out of the floor right in front of the washer. Overall though, I’m so pleased with the transformation of this room so far!

What do you think?


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