I absolutely love glass. I have a ton of colored glass bottles and random things made of glass. I just love the way that glass looks and how it sparkles and shines in the light. I just think that it is so pretty! So anyway I live in a tiny little dorm room and I have at least like seven or so glass bottles. I just moved in and I hadn’t even been here a week before I saw a spot in my room that looked like it needed something pretty and sparkly. So the search began for another glass bottle. I found one and I’m pretty pleased with how it looks:
Today I found another little glass treasure. I had been wanting a pretty paperweight for my desk for a while but I hadn’t found the right one. Today I was in this little shop and I found the prettiest paperweight that I just had to get for my desk. It was probably more expensive than I should have spent, but it is handmade and just so pretty, so it is worth it. 🙂

I absolutely love ice, as you well know. Anyways you seem to be getting the hang of this 🙂