Finals. Finals. Finals.
This week is such a strange week. All my classes have ended, so I don’t have to go to class anymore, but I still have to study. I’m really stressed because of all the studying and work that I have left to do, but at the same time I’m relieved because I’m so close to being 100% finished with each of my classes. I love the feeling after completing everything for a class and knowing that you are completely done with it forever. It is such a weight off your shoulders that you can feel immediately. Its a little sad too, though, for the classes you enjoyed.
Anyway, Calculus final tomorrow, Children’s Literature essay due and pick up Creative Writing Portfolio on Wednesday, Access test Thursday, work on Drawing Final on Friday, Children’s Literature final and extra credit fairy tale paper due Saturday, work on Drawing Final more on Sunday, turn in Drawing Final on Monday….and then……CALIFORNIA on Tuesday!!!! 🙂
I’m getting excited!! But anyway, I’m just rambling and trying to find reasons not to have to study for my Calculus Exam. However, considering it is already almost midnight and my final starts at 8 a.m. tomorrow, I’d better get to work. 🙂