If you live in my hometown, you might have noticed that our engagement announcement came out in last Thursday’s paper. It took me long enough to get it in there, I know. (We got engaged in December and its almost August!) Anyway, I wasn’t at home to see it, so my dad sent me a couple copies of the paper and I just got them in the mail today. I thought I would share it on here in case you missed it in the paper or if you aren’t from my hometown.

I wish our picture didn’t look so grainy! I guess that is just newspaper printing though.

I even managed to squeeze my blog address in there. I figured that since I was paying for the announcement, why not? 🙂

  1. I just love that there is someone like you that is from my area (So. Illinois) that is planning a wedding the same time I am. I love reading this blog. 🙂

    1. Aww thank you!! I’m glad to know there are others like me out there as well! Plus it is awesome that you do graphic design and love to cook! Good luck planning your wedding! It is a lot of work, but so fun and exciting at the same time! 🙂



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