My Mamaw loved elephants. She collected pins and jewelry and things with elephants on them. I like them too. I don’t know if it is just because she did or not. But I think they are such amazing creatures. They are so big and so pretty. They are my favorite animal to visit at the zoo. I want to take a ride on one some day.
Anyway, a month or so ago, I saw this little elephant guy on one of the blogs that I read:
I fell in LOVE. I wanted a little elephant just like this one. But in white. She got hers from HomeGoods, but New Orleans doesn’t have a HomeGoods. I looked all over for a little elephant like this. Drew even looked all over trying to find me one for my birthday. Neither of us had any luck. Until just the other day.
We were at Burlington Coat Factory the other day looking for ties for Drew. I had never been in there before and obviously as soon as I saw that they had a Home section, that is where I was. Guess what I stumbled upon:
They aren’t exactly the same of course, they are much more stylized than the inspiration one. But still cute. I wanted a white one originally, but I didn’t like this white one as much as I liked the black one. I thought the black one looked more like an elephant the way it was standing. The white one is sitting funny for an elephant. Maybe I’ll spray paint it later on. I’ll have to see once the decor in my office is all done. 🙂
Plus it was only $6.99! Pretty good for something I had been searching for!
So cute! Do any of you have special things or animals that you like? Do they have a special connection to somebody or some memory?

New Orleans seriously needs a Home Goods. I’ve never even been to this fabled place, but it pops up on all the design blogs I read, too.
Yes they do! I’ve only been a couple times, but it is pretty awesome. It is like a TJ Maxx or Marshalls, but just with the Home section. They have lots of furniture/lamps/mirrors/art/kitchen stuff/bathroom stuff/rugs/bedding, etc… I’m always reading about things that I’ve been looking for and they have all been magically found at HomeGoods.